In-Home & In-School Therapy
Skills to Improve
Balance, Coordination & Postural Control: jumping, galloping, skipping, swinging, and climbing
Body & Spatial Awareness: understanding where your body is in space and moving around an environment efficiently
Executive functioning skills: organizing, planning, and making decisions to execute a task
Feeding & Eating
Fine Motor Skills: handwriting, drawing, scissor use, object manipulation, and dexterity
Play Skills
Self-Care: dressing, grooming, bathing, and eating
Self-Regulation: adjusting and controlling energy level, emotions, behaviors and attention
Sensory Development: processing, modulating, and integrating input from the 5 senses and beyond
Social Skills
Upper Extremity Coordination: eye-hand coordination for gross motor movements like ball play
Visual Motor Skills: eye-hand coordination for finer skills like drawing, copying patterns
Visual Perceptual Skills: making sense of what the eye sees in order to copy patterns, find objects in a busy environment, and more
Our Therapists have Experience With:
Attention Deficits
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Cerebral Palsy
Chromosomal Abnormalities
Delays Reaching Developmental Milestones
Developmental Coordination Disorder/Dyspraxia
Down Syndrome/Trisomy 21
Failure to Thrive
Feeding Difficulties & Dysfunction
Fine Motor Deficits
Genetic Disorders
Hemiplegia, Stroke & Brain Injury
Learning Disabilities
Mitochondrial Disorders
Muscular Dystrophy
Neurological Diagnosis
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Prenatal Drug Exposure
Sensory Processing Disorder
Sensory Modulation Disorder
Spina Bifida
Visual Motor & Visual Perceptual Difficulties